Wednesday, December 23, 2009

8 month elf

Big snow. Abigail looked around in wonder and that's about it:) Yesterday we ate some snow and took a walk thru it. I did, however, promise Becca I'd make a snow angel and I did!

8 months old and ready to go!!!!

staying close to daddy with all the snow coming down Saturday......

dainty "feets" as we say around here
Merry CHRISTmas to all. I am determined not to get caught up in the hype of the retail season and enjoy our baby girl and each other this first Christmas together. Each time I ask someone "how's it going?" they say they cannot wait till its over next week. Sad. I am vowing not to overeat sweets, over spend- yes we are sticking to the budget (right Bob?) and doing the "Slow parenting" thing. Not too many activities or outings at one time, plently o down time and pure joy in reading or a brisk walk or singing and goofing. xoxo

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ladybugs first Christmas

We are enjoying our first Christmas season as parents and Abigail is certainly enjoying everything!! We have decorated our house and have nice opportunities to enjoy while always remembering the true reason for Christmas...

Below are some pictures taken over the past several days. Abigail continues to grow and experience life and, this weekend, got her big girl car seat. You can tell from one of these pictures that it is pretty comfortable and Mom & Dad are starting to come to grips with the fact that our little one has graduated car seats!!! :)

Saturday saw our first snow of the season and Abigail's first snow!!! Our northern family and friends would laugh at what we called snow but there were white flakes falling from the sky so we counted it as snow :)

We hope that this finds all doing well and ready for a great Christmas season....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

7 months old!

We are THANKful for our family we've been blessed with and hope that everyone has a wonderful, healthy Thanksgiving holiday.

I cannot believe how fast our ladybug is growing! Her 7th tooth popped up the morning of her 7 month birthday. Abigail's 19lbs and wearing 9 month clothes! We had to get jeans size 12-18month! She's loving library storytime, long walks on the trail (mom stopped running- too hard) and socializing with family and friends.

A little bubble time with daddy

Abigail loves a sink bath and anything to do with WATER!

GO TIGERS! We went last week to a Liberty University vs. Clemson University mens basketball game. FUN!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fall fun

She's got Molly's wing.....

up to something?
Molly and Mindy stop in for a visit:)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Fun.......

Having fun with Nana Jane!
Let's play ball:)
mama loves this hat!
peek a boo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Halloween

Friday, October 23, 2009

Trick OR Treat- 6 months old

I know there are treats in here somewhere....

Someone's 6 months old today! HOORAY!

Monday, October 19, 2009


My girl has been having fun and growing so fast!!!!!! My girlfriend Shellie was here from Gaffney, SC this weekend~ Abigail's sporting some pink shoes from her- super cute. I never knew I would get into "dressup"! FUN!
Miss Maddie Mays was over for some playtime on Monday:)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Time for some new pictures...

Hey everyone - hope you all have been doing well...we are enjoying every day of the fall season as the nights have just a bit of a chill in the air and the leaves are getting ready to change...

Abigail has been eating solid foods such as butternut squash, avocado, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, green beans, and peas... it is quite fun feeding her and watching the reactions.

Today she got her first pumpkin at the store and saw her first Christmas trees at the Home Depot. Hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner!