Hello all - hope that this finds everyone doing well. We are now 55 days from our April 11, 2009 due date. Time seems to be flying by and yet we cannot wait!
We are continuing our preparation and are gathering all of our necessities. Who knew that we needed so many diapers and wipes?!?!?!?!?!? We are so blessed to have so many family and friends who are taking care of us and who are excitedly awaiting Abby's arrival! :)
Friday and Saturday we took our Lamaze class and learned all about breathing techniques and birthing positions. We were taught by one of the head nurses of the birthing center and she did an excellent job answering questions and sharing with us what to expect.
Here are a couple of pictures of Abigail's room for you to enjoy. As you may be able to see, we are experiencing a ladybug invasion!!!!
Reilly and Rudie continue to be a big help in our preparation. Here is an action shot of Reilly helping arrange the room
Thanks for checking in with us - we will continue to update everyone as we continue on our journey.
Bob & Laurel