Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"I am glad you came home brother"

Just overheard Abigail talking with Samuel.... We are blessed...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Enjoying family time together

Abigail and Samuel are enjoying some quality bonding time together....

We are so thankful to have our family together at home!


Samuel is home!

Ready to rock...

Discharge day!

Samuel is coming home today!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday night update. 7.25 pm

Samuel continues to hit all the marks that they have set for him.  He is eating like a champion and is loving time with Laurel and I.

The nurses are openly talking about him going home tomorrow,  assuming that his levels all remain where they are now and climb now.

When the valve was narrow, his heart had to work harder than normal.  The balloon catheterization opened his pulmonary valve and corrected this and allowed blood to flow correctly. Because the valve was narrow, the right ventricle had worked harder than normal. Now that it is repaired it will take a few weeks to allow the right ventricle to return to its normal workload.

The doctors are confident in a life with no restrictions, all  activities are open to him.

We continue to pray for his discharge tomorrow

Excellent feedings last night!

Right on schedule!! Our son is an excellent eater...

We are paying for continued eating and progress and that Samuel can come tomorrow!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Samuel update - Friday evening 8pm

Samuel has had a great day and continues to show great strength. This afternoon he ate well and has rested and spent time in his mom's arms!

We are praising God for these advances and praying for his continued growth.

Samuel update 11.15 am Friday

Samuel continues to do well - we are praying specifically that his oxygen level would rise as it is below where they want it. Also we are praying that his blood level would remain where it is now.

Laurel is at his side right now and loving on him through this. Later today they believe that he will be able to eat so we ate passing also for that.

Procedure was a success!

The doctor just came in and said that the procedure was a success! One of the key markers for Samuels release is already closing which is huge!

We are thankful beyond words for this success and continue to pray for the quick release of our son! The time he will remain in the hospital is unknown, but we are praying for a release soon!

Soon could be as early as Sunday!!

Thank you for praying with us and please continue to do so.

Procedure time!

At 8 am the doctors took Samuel fur his normally takes about two hours....well keep you posted...

Friday morning

We got a call this morning that his procedure could happen as early as 8 am.   Please pray that this happens and for all involved!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Update - correction

The procedure will open his pulmonary valve, not his artery.  Still praying that they work him in tomorrow...

On call

Samuel is currently "on call" for his procedure tomorrow. Simply put, if they are able to fit him in the schedule then they will. If not, his procedure will be Monday. Currently not all the resources needed are available.

Since the doctor is not rushing them in that is a good sign but we are praying reverently that God will arrange the schedule tomorrow so that Samuel can join us. We ask that you join us in that.

Even more, we are praying for a  miraculous owning of his pulmonary artery so that a procedure is not required.

Thank you,

Bob & Laurel

Thursday morning update

Samuel had a great night of rest and is doing well this morning. He is being taken great care of here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Pulmonary stenosis

Samuel has been safely transported to the UVA Medical center in Charlottesville, VA and is currently being treated in the NICU here and is in the their very capable hands.

The doctors have been very informative and are explaining things as we go along.  They have looked over Samuel from head to toe and found nothing else to give them concern.  Currently they are working on a plan and timeline for treatment for correcting this.

More information will be shared as we know more.  Thank you to everyone for your support and prayers - they mean more than words can share.

Thank you all,
Bob & Laurel



Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Getting closer

Here we go......the countdown is beginning