Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Settling into life...

Life with the ladybug is settling into a nice routine as we learn her and she learns us. We have had a great week together as we have been to Abigail's doctor where she received a clean bill of health. The picture of her in her car seat is on the way to the doctor - notice her looking out the window and enjoying the scenery.

Abigail has been sleeping well during the night and has been playing with us during the day. Monday she experienced her first bath and, after some apprehension, she seemed to enjoyed it.

You can see from some of these pictures that Abigail enjoys bonding with Dad on the recliner and Reilly too has joined our bonding time.

She is growing each day in personality and brings us such joy...


Thomas and Mindy said...

Oh how we love seeing new pics of your pretty girl! I love the one of her laying in the sun in her pac n play and the one of her in her car seat. She's just sooo beautiful. I can't get past that. :) ALL of the pictures are great. And I'm so glad her doctor's appt. went well. I know they all loved seeing your ladybug.

The Dinsmore's said...

Well, she is content. One more month and then I'll get to hold her. Glad everything is going well and she is sleeping well.

Elizabeth said...

I'm glad things are going well for all of you! The pictures are great :-)